Together, we apply strategies to overcome obstacles and grow to take ownership for our health.

You Are Not Alone
While we are not able to provide programming in every location across Canada, we often use technology to break geographical barriers and assist those we can help.
Our experience, resources and outreach are growing and have seen a powerful impact in our community. We are blessed to have those who came in receiving support transition into giving back with life-changing testimonials.
Please note that we are not a replacement for your health care team, but we may be able to add value to the current support team you have.

The hardest thing to do when you are struggling is often to reach for support. It is also a challenge to see the resources around you. For this reason, we strive to take action when YOU are ready and not put people in line ups or waiting lists whenever possible. While we hope to support every request we are best suited for, we are also pretty well versed in the support elsewhere in the community and are happy to direct when the answer is elsewhere.
We at ICD are building and connecting a community and it is an honour for us to see people who came in on the receiving end of support and are now keen to be giving back, driven by their own life changing testimonials.

We feel it is most important to personalize support, matching up the right personality and challenge with the resources that can work each time. We recognize that at times it may feel like there is NO support to get you through or around an obstacle as complex as diabetes but that is just a bad match.
Our vision is that each person has the opportunity to connect with someone who has been through and taken steps to address any obstacle, making for faster resolution, less bumps and far better patient experiences. Because it feels like we are the first to take these steps but we are not, nor would we be the first to take steps towards accomplishing a personal goal while living healthy with diabetes.