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From keynote addresses at sales meetings in the corporate sector to inspiring, educational school tours, we love sharing our message of empowerment.
Inspiring Others

ICD was largely empowered through speaking engagements which allowed us to spread our message and grow our community over hundreds of events from corporate business to elementary school audiences.

As an organization, we use speaking engagements to reach more, develop the community, share our vision, and raise funds. We are proud of some of our long-standing relationships, members of the community who have assisted in creating school tours, sponsors who have looked to us as a key resource, even medical schools who have requested annual guest lectures from ICD since 2007.

We have a team of exceptional speakers from transitioning adults who can inspire with their youthful energy and vulnerability, to hardened veterans who can connect any audience to the pursuit of a dream that had to be fought for. We tailor our stories to each audience.

Corporate Events

After competing in the Athens Olympic Games, ICD founder Chris Jarvis quickly became an interest on the corporate speaking circuit. The experiences overcome and the accomplishments achieved allowed him to deliver a story that spread by word of mouth with large corporate audiences and fund raising events.

With hundreds of events performed and a wide variety of outputs from keynote addresses all the way to being the subject of video motivation tools for internal and external corporate audiences. Our flexibility works with diverse audience sizes also from small board rooms to large corporate audiences like PwC, MEDEC, Shoppers Drug Mart, etc to spice up their sales and AGM meetings with audiences of over 1000 employees.

Diabuddies Community Engagement

Under our Diabuddies campaign, we have been doing school and community speaking tours for over 10 years now with roughly 10 team members who have been contributing to over 100 school visits.

Most often our intent is to give an understanding of diabetes to the level of the audience that removes misconceptions perpetuated through media and marketing campaigns. We have been well reputed for translating that the themes of living with diabetes into a universal understanding breeding inclusion, empowerment and community.

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2024 I Challenge Diabetes. All rights reserved. Charitable Registration Number: 821102712RR0001

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