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New Year’s is a time for starting fresh, setting new goals, and pushing yourself to be your best both inside and out. This year, join us by participating in our monthly challenges centered around health, well-being, and self-care.

We’ve set out monthly themes to focus on each month as a community. These challenges will allow you to channel your focus each month on specific areas, that as a whole, will contribute to a healthy and happy year.

For each challenge, we’ve included a brief guide to help you understand what the challenge is, why it’s important, and how to make the most of it.

Take each month as it comes and see how many mini-challenges you can complete. You can use the note section to track any important details. In addition to this, at the end of this calendar, you can find a detachable monthly challenge checklist tracker sheet. Use this resource as a visual incentive to track how many challenges you complete.

If you complete all 12 challenges, let us know! We would love to celebrate your success with an ICD Waterbottle, our gift to you!




What is an outcome goal? Outcome goals are based on the end result, or what you want to achieve in the bigger picture.

What is a performance goal? Performance goals focus on personal achievement. This contributes to the outcome we desire, however, provides a more specific direction in terms of what we actually need to focus on.

What is a process goal?

Process goals specify the action steps needed in order to perform successfully. What was specific in performance goals, now becomes even more detailed with process goals. Process goals are the most important!



Show yourself some love this month! Self-care is not selfish! Prioritizing your needs is essential for increasing overall wellness.

What is self-care? Self-care is being mindful of your own needs, and being intentional about taking care of them. Taking good care of yourself allows you to better handle the needs of others. Whether it be taking your medication on time or treating yourself to a little extra TLC, self-care can come in a variety of forms.

Need some ideas?

Get outside in nature, read a book, cook nourishing meals, make your bed in the morning, go for a pedicure or massage – find what feels good and go after it!



Having a strong support system is invaluable. They create higher levels of well-being, improve our coping skills, and help reduce depression and anxiety.

This month, complete the following 5 tasks to help you build a better support system.

  • Write a thank-you note to someone in your support system that you really appreciate.
  • Complete a kind gesture for a neighbor or co-worker.
  • Call a friend to check in and share how thankful you are for them.
  • Ask for and accept help where needed.
  • Identify what relationships aren’t working for you and consider new boundaries.



As Diabetics, we all understand the importance of accurate carb counting as a part of our health management.

When life is busy, it can be easy to let our intentions slide. Taking a set amount of days, where we can slow down, put more focus into carb counting, or tracking our blood sugars can help us identify patterns, address areas that might need changes, and ultimately ensure we continue on the best path.

Whether you track carbs, blood sugars, or both, make sure you set aside some time to assess and reflect on what has worked, and what needs a little more attention moving forward.



With T1D Jenn Lemke of BENEFITS Personal Training, ICD has created 8 30 minute follow-along workouts you can complete from the comfort of your own home. Including video resources, reference guides, and a tracker sheet, we’re here for you every step of the way. Let’s go Beyond Barriers and improve our fitness together.

Go to for instant access!

Complete the following workouts: Lower Body Workout, Chest & Back Workout, Biceps & Triceps Workout, Shoulders & Core Workout, Bodyweight Cardio, Full Body Strength & Endurance, Stretching Routine, Foam Rolling Routine



We never make the time for journaling or reflecting or avoid them completely. But why? What would come from taking just 5 minutes to sit, reflect, and process what is going on around you?

Complete the following acceptance journal prompts, 1 question per week.

W1 – What in my life can’t I change, but need to accept? Why?

W2 – What do I need to make peace with or let go of?

W3 – What areas of my life or what people in my life need forgiveness?

W4 – Think of a mistake you’ve made recently. What can you learn from it?

W5 – Finish the sentence. “I feel happiest in my skin when…”



Life has a way of getting too serious if we let it. Whether it be work pressure, busy schedules, or challenging environments, we forget how freeing it can feel to just go and have fun.

Need some ideas?

Fun can come in a lot of forms. With the summer weather, ideas for fun can involve camping, holidays, or outdoor activities like canoeing, hiking, or fishing. If you prefer indoors, maybe fun involves attending a crafting class, a bbq with friends, or having a movie night with the kids.

Whatever you decide, go in with the attitude of enjoyment. Don’t overthink the details, and keep it simple. Explore new ideas and see what you enjoy!



We often are confronted with the inevitable reality we grow to resist – change or stepping outside of our comfort zone. And while this is uncomfortable and something we all face – it doesn’t mean it’s easy on us.

But? We can’t stay there. How much would we miss out on if we didn’t embrace change, or try new things?

This month, try and step out of your comfort zone 3 times. Do what feels a little scary, go for something new, and don’t be afraid to embrace being a beginner again. Remember, we only grow outside of our comfort zones.



We often want to commit the least amount of time and energy to morning and bedtime routines, but what we fail to realize is the power they can have on how we feel about the rest of our day.

Think about your morning routine. Does it help you feel ready and confident for the day ahead? What could you tweak? Some ideas include:

Making your bed, getting up 10 minutes earlier to read your favorite book or do some journaling, exercising before you start your day, or getting up 5 minutes before anyone else.

What about your bedtime routine? Do you help yourself wind down, ensuring a good and restful sleep? What needs more attention? Some ideas include:

Drinking a calming cup of tea, turning off your phone an hour or so before bed, reading for 10 minutes, stretching, or laying out your outfit for the next day.



We live in a world that constantly pushes the idea that the busier we are, the better. With that, we are often crowded with to-do’s, various schedules, and commitments that can have our heads spinning.

Meditation has been shown to encourage a deep state of relaxation and a calmer mind. When we meditate, we focus our attention and eliminate the ever-present stream of thoughts that clutter our brains and stress us out.

Commit to trying 5 meditation sessions this month, whether it be for a minute at a time, or five to ten. Some helpful resources to get you started include the meditation apps Headspace or Calm. You can also find simple and helpful meditations on Spotify or YouTube.



Type 1 Diabetes, whether we like it or not, is a reality for many of our lives. Spreading the word and helping others understand what Diabetes involves, and what it looks like in a day-to-day sense, is essential for bringing awareness and furthering knowledge, all while encouraging others to become committed to helping find a cure.

This month, try and open up about how Type 1 Diabetes has impacted your life (whether directly, or through someone, you know). Share your story and encourage questions. A little goes a long way!



There’s no sense rushing through life just to lose sight of who you are and where you’re headed. Self-reflection and evaluation are as important to wellness as anything else.

Complete the following reflection journal prompts, 1 question per week. Write whatever comes to mind. It can be long or short (there is no need to complicate this).

W1 What went really well this year? What can you celebrate?

W2 – What felt heavy or challenging this year? How can you welcome more grace and compassion?

W3 – What are you looking forward to next year? Why?

W4 – What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself in 2022?

W5 – What areas of your life will you be more intentional with in 2023?

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2024 I Challenge Diabetes. All rights reserved. Charitable Registration Number: 821102712RR0001

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