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Emerging Adults

Our teen transition programs are designed to support people gaining independence and restructuring their support systems as they move into adult life. It is important to note that this transition period can last long periods of time and should be interactive with parents, siblings, friends, and more.

The programming we’ve developed uses our years of experience to answer questions for both parents and teens as we unite to speak to the challenges. Together we can identify key resources available, habits to break, strategies to implement while transitioning to a new stage in life. Also how to recognize all the skills we have each developed, increasing confidence and team work.


Program History

Our facilitators have had a tremendous blessing to work along side educators from many hospitals with their teens as mentors living with T1D. In particular, ICD has been collaborating with Sick Kids Hospital on their program for a number of years and is key member of the facilitation team.

BC Childrens coincidentally follows a similar format, utilizing stories and experience from mentors with T1D to provide identify key barriers to transition and prepare for obstacles by building confidence and strategies.

We work along side clinics to design and facilitate these programs and are happy to help in any stage of development. We aspire to see this style of program built out across all T1D youth clinics across Canada.

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2024 I Challenge Diabetes. All rights reserved. Charitable Registration Number: 821102712RR0001

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