We all want our bodies to be healthy in order to give us ability and energy to do the activities that we love, feel good, and live long. But it is up to us to make choices that facilitate, rather than hinder, all the body’s efforts.  All the choices we make with our lifestyle influence our body’s capacity to function and thrive.

Nobody wants an unhealthy or sick body.  But to want to a healthy body means we have to want the healthy choices – we can’t just sit back and expect our body to be healthy even though we disregard its needs and/or fuel it with poor materials.  The body is tenacious, but eventually this will take its toll.  It is a feedback system – treat your body well, and it will serve you better.

Food in particular is what formulates the building blocks the body relies on for all its processes.  None of us would build a house out of straw rather than brick – we all learned from the Three Little Pigs nursery rhyme that the straw house was a structure that fell apart.  Yet we do not always choose to provide our bodies the optimal materials for its functions.

Healthy living can seem (perhaps a bit presumptuously) less fun and exciting.  But this is all a matter of perspective.  There are many healthy food options that are delicious AND nutritious – it is false that healthy = bland, boring.  With a little creativity, there are always ways to make healthy foods taste good!  For example, take spinach, add in nuts, goat cheese, and strawberries, drizzle it with poppyseed dressing, and you’ve got a delectable dish packed with nutrients.  Taking the time to integrate whole grains, fruits and vegetables into your diet will provide your body with a whole host of benefits!

Don’t worry, we are not here to tell you that you can never eat cookies, ice cream, bacon, or poutine ever again!  Making the choice to eat healthy does not have to mean sacrifice.  With insulin technology nowadays, there is no food a diabetic can’t have.  And eating healthy does not have to mean you only eat “good” foods – neuroticism is not what we are going for.  High-amounts of stress or misery is counter-productive to the whole point.

The key to healthy eating is about balance.  “Everything in moderation” is age-old wisdom for a healthy body as well as mind and soul. It is just important to be mindful of the overall picture of your eating habits; it’s okay to enjoy a McFlurry on a hot summer’s day – guilt free!  But perhaps if you’ve only eaten McFlurries for the past week then it’s time to consider cutting back and venturing into the neglected realm of fruits and vegetables, grains, and proteins.

Some questions to ask yourself when assessing/making food choices could include:

– does my meal include a balance of carbs, proteins, and healthy fats?
– have I had any fruits and vegetables today?  If not, what are ways I can integrate them into my next meal?
– what is my starting BG? (if it’s high, consider slower digesting/lower carb options)
– how will this food affect my BG? (refer to the Glycemic Index as needed – i.e. whole wheat bread not only provides more nutrients and fibre, but releases the carbs slower than white bread so as to prevent a spike in BG)
– is there a healthier option I could choose instead, that I would still be satisfied with eating?
– how is this food going to make me feel?  Energized or tired?  Fuelled or heavy?

Always remind yourself why it is important to you to eat healthy; remembering that you want to properly fuel your body so that you can thrive makes it a lot easier to make healthy choices! Never hesitate to reach out to anyone here at ICD if you need any support, have any questions, or are looking for healthy meal/snack suggestions!

I will treat my body with respect and kindness. I will feed it, keep it active, and listen to its needs. I will remember that my body is the vehicle that will carry me to my dreams.



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