Emilia is seven years old and has been living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) for nearly two years. When she was first diagnosed a big challenge for her was a fear of needles.

“As with most parents of a newly diagnosed child with T1D, the adjustment to injecting insulin was a tough one,” says Nicole, Emilia’s mom. To help Emilia get over her fear of needles they recognized the need for mental health support. “Through coloring and play therapy she began self-injecting at age five—six months after diagnosis.”

Emilia would later switch to Omnipod DASH® to support her diabetes management.

“Omnipod makes managing diabetes so much easier,” says Nicole, “changing a Pod every three days versus 8-12 insulin injections a day speaks for itself.”

In 2023, Nicole discovered I Challenge Diabetes (ICD) through a poster at her local hospital. Through ICD, Nicole and Emilia feel more connected to the diabetes community as Emilia explains, “Meeting new and old friends who also have T1D makes me feel less alone.”

Emilia recently participated in ICD’s Diabuddies School Tour, which brings diabetes education directly into classrooms across Canada. By educating Emilia’s classroom about diabetes, we are helping to ensure students with T1D are safe and supported while at school. Emilia explains, “Through the Diabuddies presentation my friends know what to do if I go low or high and so do my teachers.”

Omnipod is a proud supporter of ICD’s Diabuddies School Tour. 





2024 I Challenge Diabetes. All rights reserved. Charitable Registration Number: 821102712RR0001

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