Aria is eight years old and loves playing baseball – she currently plays on three baseball teams. In 2022 she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and found it difficult to maintain her athletic pursuits while managing her diabetes. Aria’s family heard about I Challenge Diabetes (ICD) through a friend and for the last two years has attended ICD’s Sports Camp in Hamilton. “Camp has allowed Aria to feel like a normal kid,” her mom explains. “Everywhere she goes, she has to explain what her pump is. This camp allows
her to be around a bunch of campers and staff, who not only understand, but can appreciate the daily trials and tribulations of having type 1 diabetes.”
“They offer her a sense of community that not a lot of people can. They are all in the club, and I’m proud she is a part of the team.”
Aria is also supported at camp with her Tandem t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control‑IQ technology. “The Tandem pump has allowed us to have the best results when it comes to keeping Aria in our target blood sugar range,” her mom says. “Because of her activity levels, she often goes low in the night, with the programmable settings we have been able to plan and stop that from happening. The pump also allows her so much more independence. She is able to manage a large portion of her medical care with some supervision, instead of needing help on everything.”
“She can feel just a little closer to her old self with this device.”
With the support of her family, friends, coaches and Tandem pump, Aria is motivated to be the best baseball player she can be. This September she is trying out for another competitive baseball team!
We are grateful to Tandem Diabetes Care Canada for their national support of our Sports Camps!